We have offered the best Cessna aircraft leasing services for many years. 
You can trust us to provide the best Cessna leasing experience you've ever had.
We own the aircraft, there is no middleman when you deal with us.

No Additional Fees

We provide you with the tools that you need to be successful, including: Maintenance Tracking Software, Airframe Manuals, Engine Manuals, Engine Trend Monitoring, and training for each at no additional cost to you.

We Offer 24/7 Support

Your Time Zone is our Time Zone. 24/7 support whenever you have an emergency (you never reach an after-hours operator, or a call line). We are here for you when you need us, and we are here NOW.

Available Parts and Service

We provide parts to our customers at a discounted rate. We know that your success counts on you having the parts you need with no delay. Having over $3,000,000 in Caravan Parts in our warehouse allows us to ship immediately; you pay later.

A Little Bit of Our History

At Pacific Air Holdings, we have literally owned and operated Cessna Caravans in every corner of the world. Success is the only option when you choose Pacific Air Holdings as your Cessna caravan leasing service. We own the aircraft, there is no middleman when you deal with us.

See why many successful operators are currently leasing our Cessna aircraft in many areas of the world today.

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Cessna leasing